Baking class : Phoon Huat

Last month, on the 26 Nov, I attended a baking class at Phoon Huat@Sims Lane. The recipe to be taught is Brioche Seaweed Wrap, and Orange blueberry cake.
Sounds so yummy! The best part is, You can even bring home your invention!

The bread dough ingredients being mixed by a dough hook, to form a fluffy dough. When stretched, the bread dough forms a thin layer between your fingers, and is elastic.

Ta-Da! The completed bread dough is separated for later use and left to proof. Cling wrap is used to cover dough, so as to prevent air from entering the dough. The less oxygen reaches the bread dough, the more fluffy the bread is going to get.

Here, Chef Patrick is showing us how to make the seaweed rice wrap that is going to go in the bread later.

He wraps really fast and tight! This rice wrap can be substituted with normal sushi.

The rice wrap is in the bread, and is left in this big machine to proof quickly. 
The machine is like a cupboard, that has warm moist air to decrease the time required to proof the bread before baking.

The yummy bread is being baked!

The delicious, fluffy cake is also being baked!

Just baked cake. It smells... like cake. :)
When it is taken out of the oven, fresh orange juice is coated over the cake, to make the cake taste better, and be less dry.

"So this is how you take out the cake! Don't finish your cake before it is even taken out!!"

Yeah! Completed cake and bread by my partners and I! My bread looks like a bone...

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